Pension Scheme Requirements

New regulations that were introduced and came into force in April 2018 mean that Defined Contributions (DC), also known as Money Purchase Schemes (MP), and Hybrid Schemes must publish certain information on disclosure and costs as part of the Chairs Statement.

From 1 October 2019 pension scheme trustees must also consider the impact of their investments in terms of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors and ensure they explain the extent to which members views are taken into account in this respect.

Statement Of Investment Principles (SIP)

From 1 October 2020 trustees of pension schemes will be required to produce an annual Implementation Statement, which sets out the extent the Statement Of Investment Principles has been followed during the scheme year and explaining any changes that may have occurred.

This information should be made freely available and published online, Trustees should then inform pension scheme members of its availability via the annual benefit statement sent to them.

We can help review your pension schemes ongoing suitability, prepare Statement Of Investment Principles and your Implementation Statement.

We have also made available a range of guides in Key areas of pension and trust matters.

Pensions And Divorce (clickable to the online contact form)

Trustees Guide To Defined Contribution Pensions (clickable to the online contact form)

Defined Contribution Schemes For Staff (clickable to the online contact form)

Statement Of Investment Principles Preparation (clickable to the online contact form)

Please complete the online form and we will e mail you a copy free of charge.

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